To prevail a good health in the community the government of the country has to be a bit responsive. The authority should frame good rules for Rural Health and Safety Education in order to educate the people regarding the significance of health and safety.

USDA awards health education grants have been announced to maintain a good health among the community and individual by conducting several health education programs. NIFA’s Rural Health and Safety Education (RHSE) noticed the issue and declared to provide the funding for the Competitive Grant Program.

Special care should be taken for cleanliness and hygiene practices to minimizing the health risks. Food should be prepared in a way that considers the need to have healthy foods for the consumers. The first thing that you have to implement in your healthy food habit is, avoid buying unhygienic processed street food. The boxed food is not good for health. Fresh and home food has more nutritional value than any artificial food. In the website, it is possible to know more about public health and hygiene.

It has been seen, often many junk food results in much food-borne illness. Now a day’s government is also taking steps in this regard. There is a great awareness among the people about the health care issue. Many food safety regulations are getting incorporated into the health industry.

The packet food has to go through different unhealthy procedures in the process of its preparation, which in fact, can be the main reason of some serious health problems like diabetic, kidney problems, heart diseases and the like

The government should formulate some law to safeguard the health of the society. The local and state government should have an eye on the health and hygiene aspect of the community. There should be proper hygiene plan to be followed. People should adopt a good food intake plan. These are the basic problems which lead towards various serious health conditions in the community.