What does it mean to be free? Is it mean:

  • Getting up whenever I want to (no alarm).
  • Not having to answer to a “higher up” on every tiny matter.
  • Not having to deal with cynical co-workers who hate their lives.
  • Being able to go where I want, when I want to.
  • Being able to do what I want, when I want to.
  • Feeling secure in my finances, and not stressed over where my next dollar is going to come from, or if I can pay the bills.

If I don’t have all of these criteria met… in my eyes, I’m not free.

You’ll have your own definition of freedom. But I’m willing to bet it’s similar to mine.

I think deep down, all humans have this burning desire to be free.

Makes sense too- when we were cavemen, we weren’t clocking in at 9:00 am and leaving at 5:00 pm, every single day.

Sense of real freedom:

But for most people in the world today, that sense of freedom is far, far away.

I know it used to be for me. But here’s the thing…Our society is a little stuck in the past right now.People are still thinking life is like it was 30 years ago.

Meanwhile, we’ve had a whole HEAP of inventions and innovations take place since then.

I mean… have you heard of the internet?

Use of social media:

Facebook? Google?

The inter-connectedness of society is at an absolutely unheard of level. And the crazy thing is, this level of connectedness has brought forth HUGE opportunities.

One of the consequences of these opportunities is this:

It’s no longer necessary to have a job to make a living!

And even better… it’s easier to be truly free than it ever has been before!

That’s why I say society is behind. Because most of us are still trudging into work every day and punching in that time clock.