I want to take a break from talking about affiliate marketing, and build a little desire in you.

My reasoning is simple. if your desire isn’t on-point, you’re not going to succeed. Because your desire is what will give you the fuel to do what you have to do to succeed.

If you run low on fuel, you won’t reach your end destination.

How to get success:

Here I want to talk about how your life will look, if you have the desire to succeed, and you’re willing to do what it takes.

Now, this is different for everyone.

But for me… success is very tangible.

Meaning, it’s got a lot of “stuff” in it.

Maybe I’m vain, but I think a lot of us share that quality.

When I first got started in affiliate marketing, I knew what I wanted.

I wanted the nice car. I wanted to live in an awesome place. I wanted to travel wherever I wanted to in the world. I wanted to fly first-class all the time.

I wanted to eat good healthy food, and eat out all the time.

I wanted to be able to buy my friends and family gifts when I wanted to.

And you know what?

All of these desires were crystallised in my mind. I knew what I wanted!

Try it with affiliate marketing:

And I used that as fuel. It drove me to look into affiliate marketing. And it drove me to find the information that others wouldn’t, so I could succeed how others couldn’t.

Because of that, I’ve now checked ALL my desires off of that list I just told you about above.

I now have even bigger desires, and I work towards those as well.

In the meantime, I’m free, and can do whatever I want, whenever I want to.

And that, my friend, is worth far more than any of the stuff I mentioned above.

So do this in your own mind. Think about what you really want.

Really let yourself feel the desire of it.