Is life fair?

Heck, I don’t know.

But if you were to judge based off of how many people try affiliate marketing, compared to how many succeed. you’d be tempted to say, life is not fair!

Because the truth is, for every “super-affiliate” that’s churning out millions of dollars in sales a year, there are 10,000 saps who aren’t breaking $100 a month (and even those people are successful compared to others).

So what’s the key?

Is affiliate marketing a dead-end for you? A false promise, with no real opportunity to get you a seat at the feast of life?

Thankfully, that’s not the case! I just mentioned that there are people on this planet, making millions of dollars a year through affiliate marketing.

Now, the real question you should be asking is… how do you get on that table, instead of with the 10,000 others who struggle to make a buck?

The INSIDER information:

Get in close, because I’m about to tell you.

The problem that 99.99% of affiliate marketers have is this:

They are unwilling to get the INSIDER information they need to really succeed.

They want to learn affiliate marketing.

So what do they do? They go onto Google and run a few searches.

They look at all the free information available. They read all the guides. Heck, maybe they even take notes.

They get onto various internet marketing forums and learn what they can.

To the outside eye, it looks like they’re doing everything right.

But to an insider… they’re doing everything dead wrong!

You see, as I already mentioned, because of just how easy it is to become an affiliate marketer… there is a lot of competition.

And if all you’re doing is reading the free information that’s out there, you’re going to be stuck in the herd, competing with everyone!

What’s worse, you’ll be getting outdated information, that’s likely not even relevant anymore!

It’s a recipe for failure. And this, my friend, is why 99% of affiliate marketers never reach the $100k a month figure.

So what’s the key?

Well, the key is to get the insider information. From the real pros super-affiliates who are printing millions of dollars a year.