Responsive web design is the art of serving the same web page to multiple devices that look good and solve the purpose of all of them. However, it is a demanding and popular approach. Some intelligent minds are there with great resources which discovered of such websites. Numerous tricky stuffs can be managed easily with the right tools provided here.
Page scroller:
Page Scroller jquery plugin helps in creating a scroll path for the web page content. This plugin makes use of canvas flavored syntax to produce arcs and lines to a web page document.
Percentage Loader:
If you really want to create your progress bar more communicating than this query can help you to make beautiful progress bar. At the same time you can also able to load multiple percentage loaders. This percentage loader acts as a controller in iPhone.
Noty, A Jquery Plugin which is involved in the creation of various information type messages like confirmation, alert, error, success and warning. You can generate remarkable alert boxes, situating on any direction of the web browser window such as you will be able to keep it to centre right, center left, center, top center, top left, etc. with customize animation, text, button and speed as well.
Ideal Forms:
This plugin is used to create great jquery validations. It will enable to validate radio buttons, textbox, checkboxes, dropdown lists, and file upload controls.
Ajax PayPalCart:
The Ajax PayPal shopping cart is developed by combining query and Ajax. Its chief characteristic is to support PayPal integration. This jquery plugin caters the needs of the developers of the shopping carts.
Flippy Effect:
This jquery plugin is used to flip the box on your web page. This plugin will enable you to flip any html element by changing its direction, depth and speed of flip.
Reveal modal plugin:
This plugin assists you to Display the popup interactively. It is Easy to Implement and is cross browser compatible. Therefore, now you can modify the chaos to create more beautiful modal popup.
This enables you to fit the text to your web page according to the resolution of the screen by changing the font sizes. It is useful for only large texts that are uncomfortable to go with small screens.