I wanted to bring things back down to earth here. Because I’ve been talking about some high-level concepts. They’re important concepts though, so I hope you’ve been paying attention.

Today I just want to quickly tell you how you should expect your first month to go, when you use the information I’ve been recommending in these emails.

Success can be a long road:

But if you’re dedicated it’s not nearly as hard as some would lead you to believe.

And for many, just gaining access to the kind of exclusive information I recommend in these emails, is enough to put you ahead.

Because again, think about it.

99% of affiliate marketers are not doing what I recommend in these emails. If you start doing what I recommend, you’re already in the top 1% and the top 1% is made up of super-affiliates.

Sure-shot success:

Now, I’m not guaranteeing you become a super-affiliate, because at the end of the day, it’s about your desire and work ethic.

But I am telling you that this information, if implemented, and if you persist, WILL get you to super-affiliate status.

Should you expect to make $10k your first month?

One thing you’ll find out quickly is that now that you have a system that actually works, specific dollar figures aren’t all that meaningful anymore.

You just do the work and watch as the money rolls in.

What you should be expecting to make your first month, is at least $100.

Now, $100 is nothing. But it is proof that you’re doing something every day to implement the new systems you’re learning.

And as you’ll see, if you can make $100 a month, $10,000 a month is very close by.

Again, this is only if you’re using the right systems that are current, and working right now.

Without the right systems, you’re on your own, and good luck making even $100 a month.

Again, it’s about your desire, and willingness to invest in yourself.